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Volume control connections [various types]

Volume control connections [various types]

Various types of volume control connections for any amplifiers

Volume control connection is the one which any electronics beginners may have trouble.

So here I describe about how to connect mono volume control, stereo or dual volume control and stereo control that comes in normal car audios.

Mono Volume control connection

Volume control connections

To make it easy, hold the control shaft facing you and the 3 leads facing up. Then from the left, is the signal input, center pin is the output to amplifier and the third is the ground, GND.

Stereo / Dual Volume Control

Volume control connections [various types]

Stereo control also are connected the same way as mono control. The difference is there will be 6 pins like 3 and 3 pins in parallel. First two pis are inputs, two center pins are outputs and the last two pins are GND.

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Stereo Volume control connection

Volume control connections

This type of controls connection are a bit confusing. As above hold the control with the shaft facing you and the leads up wards.

Now from the first pin from the left - 

Right output

Second one is left output

Third pin is left input

Fourth and fifth pins are GND

Last pin is right input

To know more on various volume control connection to watch the video below on @electronics electrical malayalam on youtube

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