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Led bike Headlight Problem - Solved

Led bike Headlight Problem - Solved,H4 led lgt

Led bike Headlight - H4 LED LGT - SMD Board Troubleshooting:

Here we'll solve the H4 led headlight problem in motorbikes. The model is H4 LED LGT that works with 12 volts on any bikes, geared and gearless. This led bike headlight has a 40watts output.

The problem with this led bike headlight is that it won't work at all. To solve this you have to check the board and the led's separately. Use a power supply to check led's and a multimeter to check the board.

H4 Led Lgt - Led Bike Headlight:

H4 Led Lgt - Led Bike Headlight
H4 Led Lgt - Led Bike Headlight
To start checking first remove the adapter case and check whether any wires are disconnected or broken.


If everything is looking fine, then start checking the parts on the board with a multimeter for any open or shorted components.

Watch this video in malayalam on how to solve LED bike headlight problem @electronicselectricalmalayalam.

When we checked this board we found a shorted component short in this board.


That was an SMD diode. Remove that diode using a soldering iron. Make sure that you don't destroy any circuit print.


Now take a look at the SMD rectifier diode.

SMD rectifier diode

Read about restoring old speakers if you are interested:

After removing the diode, clean that area using the soldering iron itself. Apply some lead there.

Lead the soldered area

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Use of 1N4007 Rectifier diode

Instead of using any SMD rectifier diode we used 1N4007  rectifier diode. To fix that diode in place we need to bend the leads of the diode.

1N4007 diode

Before soldering that diode, check for the anode and cathode mark on the board. Solder it in the correct way. If not your led bike headlight won't work.

Now connect the power wires to the battery or any 12 volt source and check if it's done.

Led bike Headlight Problem - Solved

Now you can see your led bike headlight works fine, all the dim and bright sides.

So here we have described about a way on how to troubleshoot motorcycle headlight or led headlight.

There may be other problems too for that the headlight won't work.

In India, it may not be legal to use white LED headlights. Any way these headlights are the best for a motorcycle or bikes.

If any body interested to know how to install h4 led headlight motorcycle, do comment us below.

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