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3 Amp mobile charger circuit

3 ampere mobile charger diy

How to make 3 ampere mobile charger from 12 and 24 volts for your vehicles

To charge your mobile phones from vehicles, there are soo many brands of chargers available. For a 3 ampere mobile charger the cost should be around Rs:350 to 500.

Here with this circuit you can make a 3 ampere mobile charger by your self under Rs:100. 

The parts used are:

  • 5 Volt regulator ic - 7805 - 3
  • Rectifier diode - 1N4007 - 3
  • 3 ampere rectifier diode - 1N5408 - 1
  • Electrolyte capacitor 1000uf 16 volt - 1
  • Micro usb data cable - 1
  • Cable tie
  • Glue stick
  • Wooden hard board - 4mm

This is the circuit used to make 3 ampere mobile charger

Click the image to enlarge

3 ampere mobile charger circuit diy

Fix the ic's on an aluminium sink with screws. Then connect the first pin's that is the voltage input pin's together.

Then connect the center pin's which is the GND together. Next connect the three output pins with three diodes.

Click the image to enlarge
7805 pinout digram

How to connect the diodes

Connect each output pin's of the ic's to the anodes of the diodes [1N4007]. Then connect the three cathodes of the diodes together.

Now connect the 1N5408 to the input pins of the regulator ic's. Next connect the capacitor positive to the cathode pins of the output diodes. Then the negative of the capacitor to the GND connection of the regulator ic's.

Output cable to mobile phone

To connect the charger to mobile phone, Connect the red wire of the data cable to the positive of the capacitor.

3 ampere mobile charger

Then connect the black wire of the data cable to the negative lead of the capacitor.

Now the connections are over. If you want to make a case for this charger, make a small box using a thin hardboard. 

Now a new 3 ampere mobile charger is ready for you. You can connect this charger to the 12 volt of your vehicle or to the 24 volt.

To watch the video on how to make a 3 ampere mobile charger, watch this video on youtube - @electronics electrical malayalam.

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